We tend to make big resolutions on New Years. The word resolution is an interesting one- I resolute to do something. It sounds strict and finite. I prefer the word intention. With intention, the idea and hope exists without a feeling of guilt or shame when the task is not perfectly accomplished.
I too am a culprit of making grandiose resolutions on January 1st. However, I do set intentions for myself every day. I set intentions at various points throughout the day- in the shower, as I leave my apartment, before I go to bed, etc… I surround myself with physical reminders of my intentions as well. I also change my intentions every day.
Today, my intention is to grow. I would like to grow in wild vivid ways. To know that I am rooted in the earth and my branches are strong and free.
I like your idea of intentions and how intentions can change and adjust to our imperfections. I hope to carry out some good intentions now and throughout the year.
I can't wait to see how you grow in wild and vivid ways...
Very wise words. It's not always smart to make strict resolutions that you won't follow through with. That could just be setting up for failure.
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